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From the Spa to the Home: Five Experiences to Replicate at Home

By Strøm Nordic Spa

What makes a visit to the spa so charming, among other aspects, is the plurality of experiences offered there, which can be enjoyed in the order of your choice, to create a personalized journey that meets your needs and desires. To allow you to recreate your favourite experiences in the comfort of your home, Strøm...

Comment ralentir pour se propulser ensemble

By Isabelle Cloutier en collaboration avec Julie Tardif de Iceberg Management

Ateliers d’équipe : Relaxez, innovez, et renforcez la collaboration Dans un monde où tout va vite, il est essentiel de prendre du recul pour mieux avancer.  Saviez-vous qu’au Québec, près de 33% des travailleurs ressentent le besoin de ralentir pour éviter l’épuisement professionnel? Peut-être faites-vous partie de ceux qui cherchent à retrouver un équilibre entre...

Five tips for nurturing your relationship with your teenager

By Strøm Spa Nordique

Marking the transition from childhood to adulthood, adolescence is a period of exploration, identity discoveries and challenges that will profoundly affect the emotional and social development of those who experience it. It can also affect the bond between parent and teenager. To support their child through this crucial stage, parents benefit from maintaining a relationship...

Recognition at Work: Creator of Natural Momentum

By Julie Tremblay-Potvin, co-founder and president of De Saison — Art de vivre et de travailler

The need for recognition is a basic human need. It is related to our need for belonging— that is, to exist with others. This is why we naturally seek to be recognized or considered by the members of the various social groups to which we belong: in our family, in our social circles, and—of course—at...