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The heat contrasting with the mildness of the longer days indicates the arrival of the beautiful season.

Strom MSHAutomne21 HD 23 1 WEB - Four Outstanding Havens

At Strøm Mont-Saint-Hilaire, this can be experienced and observed from a thousand points of view. The site, which gradually regains its summer colours, sees the light change and the milder temperatures set in, allowing us to reconnect with nature in a new and all-encompassing way.

StromIDS Ete2019 HD2 WEB - Four Outstanding Havens

At Strøm Nuns’ Island, the sounds of life being reborn and flora reclaiming its rights make the spa the perfect place to relax, recharge your batteries, and take a trip, close to home.

StromSpa SherbrookeFW22 HD 53 WEB - Four Outstanding Havens

Perched on the banks of the Magog River like a secret oasis, Strøm Sherbrooke greets sunny days with great enthusiasm. The lush vegetation and the soothing view of the water transform the facilities into true relaxation stations where you can enjoy the fresh air and listen to the birds sing while taking care of yourself.

Strom QuebecEte HD133 WEB - Four Outstanding Havens

The current of the St. Lawrence River, as powerful as the summer setting in, reminds us that our inner strength, when aligned with that of nature, can give rise to great and beautiful things. At Strøm Old Quebec, the sun that accompanies us until late in the evening gives the panorama magical colours and a feeling of immensity.

Strom Saint Hilaire 2213 1 WEB - Four Outstanding Havens

full-sun pool mont-saint-hilaire

StromIDS Ete2019 HD13 WEB - Four Outstanding Havens

Fire place area nun’s island 

Strom IDS2020 HD26 WEB - Four Outstanding Havens

WHirlpool nun’s island

StromSpa SherbrookeFW22 HD 60 1 RET WEB - Four Outstanding Havens

View of the architecture of the building sherbrooke

StromSpa QuebecEte21 HD 88 WEB - Four Outstanding Havens

Flotation bath old quebec