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We all know someone, up close or from afar, who devotes herself or himself daily to a loved one. And these peer supporters and caregivers deserve to be taken care of in return. We wanted to thank these courageous and inspiring people through the creation of a special program: Strøm Foundation – Caregiver.

On a personal note, this cause is particularly close to my heart, since my mother, Jacqueline, has been a caregiver since the birth of my sister Véronique, who suffers from Angelman syndrome. I know that for my mother, the moments she has to take care of herself are rare and precious. This is where my most genuine wish for the Foundation comes from: to offer caregivers a break from their daily lives so that they can refocus and regain their vitality, and therefore have the strength to continue.

– Guillaume Lemoine, president of Strøm Nordic Spa


You ensure the balance and stability around you ; give us a moment of your time to do the same for you

Caregivers are always there, present, attentive and caring. They accompany a loved one, a relative, or a spouse through difficult times, representing balance in hardship. They are the source of comfort for those who struggle every day. For those people who give so much without expecting anything in return, we have created the Strøm Foundation – Caregiver, in order for them to enjoy a moment of their own. We would like to be at their side as much as we can, welcoming them in order for them to recharge their batteries, energize and refocus, so they are able to continue to offer what is most precious: balance, courage and serenity.


According to the Act to Recognize and Support Caregivers (effective October 28, 2020), a caregiver refers to:

“Any person who provides support to one or more members of his or her entourage who have a temporary or permanent disability of a physical, psychological, psychosocial or other nature, regardless of their age or living environment, with whom he or she shares an emotional bond, whether familial or not. The support provided is continuous or occasional, short or long term, and is offered on a non-professional basis, in a free, informed and revocable manner, with the aim, in particular, of promoting the recovery of the person being helped, and maintaining and improving his or her quality of life at home or in other living environments. It may take a variety of forms, such as transportation, assistance with personal care and housework, emotional support, or coordination of care and services.”

Many caregivers do not see themselves as such. They see themselves as doing their family duty or simply offering a helping hand to someone who needs it. Supporting a person with disabilities may seem particularly natural, especially if you are doing it for someone significant to you (spouse, father, mother, etc.). However, recognizing yourself in the role of caregiver allows you to realize the importance of the work you are doing and to seek help when needed. If you feel concerned by this text and would like to learn more, we invite you to contact L’Appui pour les proches aidants, whose mission is to improve the quality of life of caregivers throughout Quebec.


Strøm Nordic Spa has developed a partnership with the non-profit organization L’Appui pour les proches aidants, in order to get help in the development of its project. L’Appui pour les proches aidants allows caregivers to benefit from a personalized accompaniment throughout their journey, during which a counsellor from the Caregiver support will help them to better identify their network and their needs, to learn about the services offered in their region or to establish those that would be useful to them, to recognize their abilities and their strengths, their difficulties and their limits. Thanks to this partnership, Strøm can offer free services adapted to the needs of caregivers: access to the thermal experience, face and body treatments, massage therapy, meditation, rest room, access for people with reduced mobility, meals and snacks, etc. The offer is thus adapted to each caregiver so that he or she can benefit as much as possible. The collaboration between L’Appui pour les proches aidants and Strøm allows for care to be taken even before the first call for an appointment at Strøm. Thus, the organization validates with the candidates their interest and their needs, and Strøm then takes care of the first contact with the caregiver. Strøm wishes to avoid any additional hassle and stress that could be linked to a new experience. In order to do so, a Strøm employee is completely dedicated to the caregivers. He or she serves as a point of contact for all questions before, during and after the stay. He will also validate the needs of the caregiver and propose activities and services adapted to their needs. In addition, the caregiver will be accompanied throughout the day by the dedicated Strøm staff.

The Caregiver support is accessible to all caregivers.

Whether you are looking for a listening ear, information or references, the counsellors of the service are there for you:

This service is free, confidential and open every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Presentation of the offer


Hydrotherapy, which has been practised for centuries in “thermal baths” or spas, is a well-being ritual based on the external use of water for therapeutic purposes. This ritual based on alternating hot and cold temperatures followed by a period of intense relaxation has many benefits. In particular, it reduces stress and revives the body and mind. To learn more about the steps of the cycle and the complete list of hydrotherapy benefits, click here.


Several studies prove it: relaxation brought about by massage has beneficial effects on health. Integrated into a healthy lifestyle, a massage provides energy and balance.


Our team of experienced beauticians gives the best care, providing visible results in addition to offer you a deep relaxation.


Accepting the gift offered by the Strøm Foundation – Caregiver, is about living an invigorating experience for the body, heart and soul and feeling in the most profound way what it means that someone, somewhere wants to take care of you. In return, it is also a way to honour not only the generosity of the creators of this Foundation but also those who participate in it.

Raymonde, Sherbrooke

I am a caregiver for my mother, who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. I have to support her in many aspects of her life and deal with grief related to her illness on a regular basis. Strøm allowed me to take a break and recharge my batteries. I was well received by their professional staff in first-class facilities. Thank you for that wonderful attention.

Julie, Sherbrooke

Our visit was extremely satisfying, a Zen urban site, we didn’t feel like we were in the middle of a city. Really good and tasty meals, courteous service, the treatments were excellent, perfect to relieve our daily stress. We had a great day, an experience to be repeated without a doubt.

Carole-Anne, Sherbrooke

Frequently asked questions

Be sure to take a quick shower before starting the cycle. Use a towel to sit down on the sauna and hammam bench.

Take note that the highest bench will be warmer than the lowest: start on the bottom and work your way up.

Listen to your body and be aware of your personal heat tolerance and don’t push your body too far. Stop your activity immediately if you feel unwell.

Drink plenty of water to replace lost fluids throughout the whole experience.

Under no circumstances are you required to do the thermal experience if you feel weak. Our beauty or massage therapy team will be happy to take care of you.

Under no circumstances are you required to do the thermal experience if your health does not allow it. Our beauty or massage therapy team will be happy to take care of you.

Some of our reflexology massages are performed over clothing. Our aestheticians will be happy to give you a facial treatment, manicure or pedicure. And you are always welcome in our bistro with its delicious meals and snacks.

Submit your application

  • Information on the role as a caregiver

    The minimum age to enjoy the spa experience is 16 years (valid for the caregiver and their guest). The offer is intended for caregivers only. To give as many people as possible a chance to benefit from the program, a person who has benefited from the program will be able to re-apply after 24 months from the date of their last visit to Strøm Nordic Spa.
    *As indicated by Statistics Canada, transgender, transsexual and intersex Canadians should indicate the gender (male or female) with which they most associate.
  • We ask for your mailing address so that we can send you a little something from time to time at home to show support and appreciation. By providing us with this information, you consent to receiving small presents from Strøm Nordic Spa.
    *To have access to the supervision service under this specific program, the caregiver must live at the same address as the person being helped.
  • Authorization to share the information collected by this questionnaire

  • Caregiver Support is a free, confidential and professional service intended to listen to you, inform you and refer you regarding your role as a caregiver. It is offered by l'Appui pour les proches aidants.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Additional resources

to help you remotely

Being a caregiver, while very important and rewarding, is also very demanding. With the renewed goal of reaching out to caregivers, Strøm offers a caring page of content, resources and activities to help you manage stress and get through this time more easily.


If you have any questions regarding the offer or the status of an application, please contact [email protected]

To inquire about partnership or collaboration opportunities, please contact [email protected]