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Ecoanxiety, Solastalgia, and Other Climate Fears

By Dr. Valérie Courchesne, Ph.D., psychologist

In newspapers, social media, self-help groups…ecoanxiety now seems omnipresent in our society. Healthcare professionals, particularly psychologists, are also increasingly called upon to intervene with people who suffer from various degrees of ecoanxiety. what is it? Ecoanxiety is a type of anxiety related to the future of the planet and climate change. The term solastalgia, meanwhile,...

From Field to Factory: The Impact of the Industrialization of Food on Our Health

By An interview with Michaël Bensoussan, gastroenterologist, and Jean-François Lemoine, agronomist

Michaël Bensoussan, a gastroenterologist at the Hôpital Charles-Lemoyne in Longueuil, diagnoses and treats digestive tract disorders. Jean-François Lemoine, for his part, is an agronomist who works as a consultant with farmers to help them improve their production. We welcomed them to Strøm Nordic Spa — Mont-Saint-Hilaire, and they shared their knowledge with us with great...