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Designing an Eco-Friendly Home: Understanding and Planning

By Audrey Bernier-Perron, professional interior designer of eco-friendly commercial and residential buildings at AUB&CO Intérieurs

As environmental and economic challenges force us to rethink our way of life, building or renovating a home so that it is in harmony with nature and its inhabitants is a noble and essential ambition. Much more than a simple choice of sustainable materials or a passing trend, the eco-friendly home is seen as a...

On the Necessity of Sanctuary

By Hugues Lefebvre-Morasse, environmental designer

The relationship that Québécois society has with religion could not be more particular. The churches that stand proudly in our landscape bear witness to the spiritual fervour that once animated our communities. However, with the Quiet Revolution, Quebec underwent a major social transformation, and the old religious practices lost their hold on society, making way...

Urban Cohousing: Live Better

By Paola Duchaine, Écohabitation

Focused on cooperation and mutual aid, cohousing projects are designed and built by and for communities: the neighbourhood spirit is created within a building. Simplicity, cooperation, the sharing of values and assets, connection and social ties, intergeneration, and the prevention of social isolation… Urban cohousing is gaining more and more followers, combining the advantages of...

A Thoughtful Design: Strøm Spas ― Designed for Wellness

By Marie-Michelle De Lachevrotière, interior designer at Strøm Nordic Spa

FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE — The basic principles of Scandinavian design rest on clear and precise foundations. This is a style infused with simplicity in which a certain functionalism and a pleasant modernity are reflected in a spirit of aesthetic enhancement. It is marked by its closeness with humanity, advocating absolute faithfulness to respect for...

A beautifully decorated winter terrace to enjoy the pleasures of the cold season!

By Audrée Kemp Bélanger, Landscape Architect – Interior Designer

During my childhood the outside terrace of our house was always ready to receive family and friends, in summer and in winter. My fondest memories though are the ones from the middle of the winter, when we were coming home after a snowmobile ride and warming up by the outside fireplace drinking a hot chocolate....

The Architecture of Water

By In collaboration with Hugues Lefebvre-Morasse, environmental designer

WATER IN ALL ITS FORMS — Water is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. When it comes into contact with architecture, the fluid element becomes synonymous with complexity, adaptation, and sublimation. Modifying the layout of our spaces from one era to the next, water influences the choice of shapes and perspectives, exposing the relationship between humans and...

The unfinished work as a mirror of our perception of the world

By Strøm spa nordique with the participation of Hugues Lefebvre-Morasse, environmental designer

Each place, artistic construction or handcrafted object reveals the essence of the person who made it and of those who contemplate his work. The creations deliberately designed and loved for their flaws say a lot about the approach of its creator and its followers. Why would a skilled artist voluntarily take the path of imperfection...

Looking to the Future: The Impact of the Health Crisis on the Configuration of Our Spaces

By Hugues Lefebvre-Morasse, Environmental Designer

ADAPTING TO THE WORLD OF TOMORROW — At a time when the pandemic highlights collective vulnerability and the limits of our environment, the integration of new needs could allow designers, architects, and urban planners to redefine personal, shared, and collective spaces. A revaluation of our environmental achievements becomes necessary when coexistence has never been so...