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Novelty at the Strøm – Our Epsom salt flotation bath is made of a dense solution that allows the body to float effortlessly while minimizing the forces of gravity. Ideal for all those who are looking to take a step back to unwind, overcome their anxiety or regenerate, it provides an experience worthy of bathing in the salt water of the Dead sea, who’s salinity oscillates between 25% and 27%. Thanks to a relaxed body and the absence of pressure points, the floating sensation offers a feeling of complete relaxation.

From the physical to the psychological aspect

Scientific research in recent years has supported the virtues of flotation from its benefits on the physical body to its effects on the mental health. Since the link between the physical and psychological is so close, this practice is of interest to both wellness enthusiasts and scientists.

The regenerative and restorative flotation experience allows the body to find its full potential. It can also reduce blood pressure, the heart rate and muscle tension. By minimizing the forces of gravity, flotation can decompress the spinal cord and joints while promoting muscle relaxation.

In addition to its physical benefits, flotation can create an environment that encourages meditation, both for new practitioners and experts. By providing a sense of calm and overall well-being, the mind can become deeply calm, making room for the present moment and the development of consciousness.

From anxiety to peace

Several studies have focused on flotation in order to understand the tangible benefits of this practice. An open study conducted by the team of clinical neuropsychologist Justine S. Feinstein[1] included determining whether flotation would reduce symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression. Fifty participants were recruited from a range of people with stress-related or anxiety disorders. They were subjected to the experiment of floating in a pool of water saturated with Epsom salt. Blood pressure, heart rate, respiration and floating movement were measured. Participants noted a significant reduction of stress, muscle tension, pain, feeling of depression and negative affect, which was accompanied by a noticeable improvement in mood, serenity, relaxation and overall well-being. The observation? Floating is a promising technique for temporarily reducing suffering in people with anxiety and depression.

Other health benefits

Absorbed through the epidermis, Epsom salt preserves the balance and health of the skin. Loaded with minerals such as calcium, potassium, bromine and magnesium, Epsom salt is also a remarkable anti-stress agent that relaxes and soothes itchy skin, aches and pains, while relieving rheumatism and congestion. Due to its disinfectant properties, it has always been used in the treatment of several skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and acne.

Try the benefits of flotation yourself on your next visit to the Strøm Nordic spa in Old Quebec.

[1] Feinstein, J. S. et al. (2018). Examining the short-term anxiolytic and antidepressant effect of Floatation-REST. PLoS One, 13(2), e0190292.

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