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We all know someone, directly or indirectly, who devotes themselves to a loved one daily. And these peer supporters and caregivers deserve to be taken care of in return. We wanted to thank these courageous and inspiring people through the creation of the Strøm Foundation – Caregiver program.

Caregivers are always there, present, attentive, and caring. They support a loved one, a parent, or a spouse through difficult times, embodying balance in the face of adversity. They are a source of comfort for those who struggle every day. For those people who give so much without expecting anything in return, the Foundation was established so that they can enjoy a moment of their own. We would like to be at their side as much as we can, welcoming them to allow them to recharge their batteries, energize, and refocus, so that they can continue to offer what is most precious: balance, courage, and serenity. To learn more, visit: 

Caregiving in a few words


According to the Act to Recognize and Support Caregivers, a caregiver refers to: “Any person who provides support to one or more members of his or her entourage who have a temporary or permanent disability of a physical, psychological, psychosocial or other nature, regardless of their age or living environment, with whom he or she shares an emotional bond, whether familial or not.” A caregiver may therefore take care of an aging parent suffering from a loss of autonomy, a child with a disability, a sick friend, or a neighbour who was the victim of an accident.


  • In Quebec, more than 1 in 4 people are caregivers.
  • More than 50% of caregivers devote more than 5 hours per week to taking care of the care recipient.
  • Most caregivers in Canada are women.
  • Caregivers provide 85% of care for seniors.
  • To devote more time to the care recipient, 64% of caregivers have reduced their social or relaxation activities.

Source: Regroupement des aidants naturels du Québec, A Profile of Caregivers,

Information and resources: RANQ / Regroupement des aidants naturels du Québec /

Advice and support: L’Appui national and Caregiver Support helpline / 1-855-852-7784 /

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