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The happiness of autumn is expressed through the rhythm of music, it celebrates the spirit of transformation, inspired by the colours and flavours of our land.

It is through the landscapes that are transformed before our eyes that we lose ourselves to everything that the season has to offer.

Here are our three suggestions to enjoy autumn to the fullest.

1) Nature

Mont St Hilaire - Top 3 | Indian summer

Photo credit :

There is no better time to admire the magnificent colourful mountains than now. For breathtaking views, visit Mont Saint-HilaireMont Orford or Rawdon.

2) Music

article top3 - Top 3 | Indian summer

A look at local articles reminding us of the light and also melancholic character of autumn: Nolton Lake, Peter Henry Phillips and Jean-Michel Blais.

Discover Nolton Lake at our Friday night under the stars on September 21 at Strøm Mont-Saint-Hilaire.

3) Wine

vin article - Top 3 | Indian summer

Our discoveries of the season: comforting, generous wines, sometimes with higher alcoholic content, that can be enjoyed in harmony with this colourful season.

 Red wine : Domaine Borie de Maurel Minervois Esprit d’Automne 2016

White wine :  Château Laffitte-Teston Ericka 2015

Apple vermouth : Entre Pierre & Terre Vermouth de Pomme

Enjoy the season!



The Gateway to the Gods

When was the last time you had a moment of complete silence?

Producers renewal