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Available in a variety of shapes and colours, succulent plants can be used to create eye-catching arrangements and are easy to care for. Here is a DIY guide on how to create the perfect arrangement for your adored mother, who will be able to enjoy this gift much longer than a bouquet of cut flowers!

Material needed

 A terracotta pot and saucer

  • Masking tape
  • Acrylic paint in your mother’s favourite colour and a brush
  • Some succulent plants or cacti, including a heart-shaped hoya (Hoya kerrii, ideally with a stem rather than just a leaf) and a kalanchoe (if you want a flowering plant)
  • Cactus potting soil
  • Water


 Cut the tape into strips of different lengths and widths and apply them to the pot to create spaces of varying sizes.

  • Color the spaces with acrylic paint. Be creative! You can use more than one colour, make layers, mix colours, etc. For best results, apply two thin coats rather than one thick coat.
  • Let the paint air dry or speed up the process with a hair dryer. Once the paint is dry, gently remove the tape strips.
  • Moisten the soil. Pour a small amount of water at a time and mix so that the soil is evenly moist. Be careful, the soil should not be soaked! Do the following test: squeeze a handful of potting soil into your palm. It should keep its shape and no water should leak out.
  • Time to plant: Make sure the soil of succulents is moist before you start. Put a layer of moistened soil at the bottom of the pot and place your plants delicately, making sure to put your heart-shaped hoya clearly visible. Fill the spaces with soil. Lightly tap the pot on your work surface two to three times to remove the air pockets. Water the arrangement.

1 - DIY – Miniature succulent garden for Mother’s Day

2 - DIY – Miniature succulent garden for Mother’s Day


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