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Dear Mother,

On this special day, I wanted to celebrate you in a more formal way, and I thought a letter would be a great way to do it.

You have always been the inspiring role model that carries me and guides me. You are that example of courage, of stability. You are that warm and welcoming presence that reassures me. You understand me in a deep and moving way, without us even having to exchange words.

Your caring and overwhelming love are some of the brightest examples I’ve been lucky enough to have in my life. If I took your gentleness and compassion for granted for a long time, I now recognize that these are rare qualities, and I am trying to integrate them into all aspects of my daily life.

I thank you for all those times I got lost and you helped me find my way back by reminding me that beauty is everywhere. For all the times I have doubted, but you have given me confidence by reminding me that time does it right. For all the times I have felt tired, but your radiance has filled me with a new joy and happiness. For all the times I have felt worried, but you have reassured me by sheltering me with your whole being.

When I watch you, you inspire me to slow down. To do things with care. You remind me that things naturally bloom when the time is right. That we just need to be open and attentive to appreciate what is around us.

Your kindness and generosity have taught me that it is the helping of each other and the joining of the many that makes us stronger. That it is through calm and patience that we can achieve great things. That we are all connected, whether we realize it or not. You are the image of gentle, feminine strength at its finest. A stable and limitless source of energy for me and for all my brothers and sisters.

As you have taken care of us, I know that it is now our turn to return the favor. To mirror your goodness, your openness and your listening. To give you the love you deserve so that you can continue to take care of us.

To continue to raise the mountains, the forests, the rivers and the sky. Continue to dazzle us with the geometric perfection of flowers, the smell of burning wood and the spectacle of clouds. Continue to take us on a journey, through rain, snow, wind and sun.

Dear Mother Earth, there are so many things I would like to say to you, but I won’t go on and on, because I know that gestures speak to you more than words. So I will end, simply, by promising to give you all the love in the world. From this world that you have created.

To you, Mother Nature, happy Mother’s Day.