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Are you planning your next trip and not sure which destination to pick? Before you decide on your travel destination, why not validate the truthfulness of the information that influences you?

A lot of travelers are fond of the current top destinations, like Iceland, Japan, Portugal and Cuba, despite the consequences of their popularity which include crowded tourist sites, inflated prices and the loss of their authenticity. For these reasons, we strongly suggest you opt for the trends of tomorrow.

Do not hesitate anymore, and think outside the box!

– By Philippe Bergeron, President of Uniktour


  • Iran

A country that is both cultural and mythical, Iran is about to quintuple its popularity, soon passing from 3 million to 20 million tourists annually.

Our favorite places: The Abbasi Hotel in Isfahan, Darband and Yazd

The Abbasi Hotel in Isfahan: One of those magical places! A caravanserai transformed into a luxury hotel in the heart of mythical Isfahan.

Darband: Having a leisure tea on the banquettes of the coffee shops in Darband, this neighborhood is located in the mountains in the northern part of Tehran where all the young couples like to hide. One quickly forgets the bustle of the Iranian capital while being lulled by the sound of the river.

Yazd: A stroll on the roofs of Yazd at sunset. Everything is ocher and orange, the minarets merge with the sky and one begins imagining the life of the Arabian Nights.


  • Nile Valley – Egypt

Contrary to popular believes there haven’t been any attacks in the Nile Valley in Egypt. Not only is that region of the country safe, but you can also enjoy the feeling of total relaxation, a true escape in every way, with impeccable service and affordable prices.

Our favorite thing to do: The cruise on the Steam Ship Sudan,

The Steam Ship Sudan is the last steam ship on the Nile. This boat is inhabited by the memories of travelers that followed the footsteps of Hercule Poirot who paced the decks in the book “Death on the Nile” written by Agatha Christie. It enables us to experience the soul of Egypt while reviving “vintage traveling” on the Nile.


  • Greece

A victim of bad press, Greece has a lot to offer all the same. Low prices, minimal traffic on tourist sites and authenticity improve your experience in this history rich country.

Our favorite places: Paros and Amorgos

Paros: Paros is an island in the Cyclades that has kept its authenticity. Here you pass your days in the leisure pace of the Greek Islands. It is also an ideal place for kitesurfing!

Amorgos: Amorgos is the easternmost Greek island of the Cyclades. It is a wild place and less frequently visited, but renowned for the beauty of its landscapes. The movie “The big blue” also was shot in Amorgos.


  • Brazil

With the tourist areas being secured by police, Brazil is far less dangerous than what’s being said. You can travel to Brazil without any worries. A choice destination, Brazil will end up very quickly on top of the list of popular places.

Our favorite places: Bonito and Jericoacoara

Bonito (State of Mato Grosso do Sul): A wonderful place to swim in the crystal clear and translucent water of the rivers running through the jungle. A perfect place to snorkel.

Jericoacoara (State of Ceará): The Ocean behind the sand dunes offers a breathtaking view! It is a total escape: paved streets are replaced by sandy roads, the turquoise water is clear and the sand dunes are magnificent. It is also an ideal place for kitesurfing.


  • Morocco

To the contrary of what is being said, Morocco is very safe. Beautiful landscapes between the Ocean and the mountains, sumptuous gardens and lively souks transport you into an authentic theater setting!

Our favorite place: Essaouira

We often imagine the Morocco of the arid plateaus of the Atlas Mountains or the Morocco of the bustling souks of Marrakech. However, our favorite place lies on the edge of the Ocean. Essaouira is an absolute must! The small blue city on the Atlantic Coast where beaches and dunes unite, Essaouira is also very popular for its medina, its craftsmanship, the blue harbor overlooking the central square and the Gnawa music festival. It doesn’t take long to adapt to the soothing rhythm of the fishermen’s lives.



Bali: relaxing in the thermal waters of Lake Batur

Treasures of Ecuador

Tabacon, Costa-Rica