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MEETING WITH THE COFOUNDERS – Catherine Tapin and Philippe Lefebvre, nature lovers who wanted to honour Mother Nature, decided to create furniture that would celebrate Quebec’s wealth and resources. They have taken an interest in what was being done on the market, sometimes to learn from it, sometimes to just do the opposite, and have reinvented the industry in their own way. Focusing on four core values – authenticity, respect, proximity and conviviality – the couple relied on their instincts, turning obstacles into motivators and transforming challenges into catalysts for change.

The idea. “Philippe has always worked with wood, but it was when he was finished renovating the house and started furnishing it, that it all started. Immediately after he placed the dining table he had just created, in its designated spot, he came up with the idea for the company. He not only created a magnificent furniture collection, but he also came up with a philosophy, a vision and values. He told me about it, and after a few days of reflection, I decided to join this project, which would be the best way to realize ourselves in the most fulfilling way, to build a future in our image and to live from our passions.

The challenges of the industry. “In recent decades, to reduce costs, furniture production has shifted significantly to Asian countries, which has been terrible not only for our industry and economy, but also for the environment. Despite the strong competition in the market, we are absolutely determined to manufacture high quality and durable furniture made in Quebec and sell it at a fair price. To achieve this, there was no way to conform to the traditional business model and go through a variety of brokers, which forces consumers to pay too much for a product of the same quality.”

“We have therefore decided to eliminate all brokers between us (the manufacturer) and our buyers by selling solid wood furniture online, that the customers are able to customize and buy directly from our website. Selling over the internet allows us to minimize our fixed costs, and makes it possible for customers to purchase very high-quality furniture made in Quebec.”

A product that respects nature. “We are very concerned about where the wood comes from, which is why we only work with local wood types and never touch exotic wood. In Quebec, we are fortunate to have abundant forests and wood types with incredible characteristics. When wood comes from far away, not only can we not guarantee that its harvesting is regulated and conducted in a selective manner, but we also increase greenhouse gas emissions related to its transportation. We work with local suppliers who, like us, work as much as possible without brokers, for greater transparency and control. We use natural water-based finishing products of very high quality, which reveal the beauty of the raw material. We have also committed to planting five trees for every piece of furniture sold. It is our way of neutralizing the carbon footprint of our manufacturing and delivery activities, but also to ensure that the resource is renewed, because we want to continue to do what we love for a long time to come.”

Click here to view the interview with Catherine and Philippe


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