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On this year’s International Women’s Day, we asked ourselves who are the women that inspire us most. We asked Anne, the woman behind Strøm spa, to talk to us about a woman that was able to influence her not only in her life as an entrepreneur but also in her personal life. She immediately thought of Mitsou Gélinas.


For many, the International Women’s Day is a good moment to pay tribute to influential women in our lives. Can you tell us about a woman in your surroundings that has been a source of inspiration in the development of your projects?


Mitsou is a person who has been able to influence me especially given her remarkable professional success. I can relate to her because the two of us are working closely with our husbands and we both have to find a work-life balance. She inspires me to push passed my limits and constantly search for the best balance. As a leader and at the forefront in both her personal and professional life, she is a great model of a real and accomplished woman.

How does Mitsou inspire you to seek the best balance?

“It all starts with ourselves” is the central idea of ​​the first issue of Mitsou’s broadcast Moi & Cie. It is an ideology that I try to apply both in my professional and personal life in order to find the best balance. At Strøm, we believe that a balanced life is possible when the energies are channeled towards the right goals. Fulfillment is accessible to everybody as long as we have ambition and we persevere. Mitsou has always encouraged women to realize their full potential in order to thrive. No surprise that I chose to talk about her for the International Women’s Day! Being a client at Strøm spa herself, she has provided me with valuable advice that helped me make informed decisions in the beginnings of Strøm.

How is she a role model in terms of your work-life balance?

Having a busy family life and working with my husband, I’m always looking to find the best balance between my different realities. I also have an ambitious temperament that always leads me to accept new challenges and to be on the quest for efficiency in all my roles. In these points, Mitsou is the best of examples! She went from being a popular singer to become the director of “Clin d’œil” magazine by beautifully adapting to these different positions. Juggling the roles of being a mother, wife, career woman and moderator, she still knows how to maintain a balanced life.

Are there other things you admire about Mitsou?


I admire Mitsou because she has the same values I live by. A sense of community, accessibility and versatility, these are all qualities that inspire me in my daily life. I find it commendable that despite her busy schedule, Mitsou finds the time to give back to the causes close to her heart. This is something I am also trying to achieve. For example, at Strøm, we had the chance to give back by getting involved in the fight against breast cancer. And that is not all, other exciting projects are coming!



Woman’s Day at Strøm spa