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There’s no need to own land to enjoy fresh vegetables, flowers and herbs in summer.  A simple planter box will allow you to harvest fresh produce directly from your window to your table, as long as you take good care of it!

Choose great quality materials

First, choose a planter made of a material that will prevent the soil from drying out too quickly. Wood and plastic are good choices, whereas terracotta should be avoided. Make sure the container is pierced at the bottom to allow drainage.

Next, fill your planter with organic potting soil and add a small amount of compost.

Miniature tomatoes

Even in such a small place, you will be able to harvest cherry tomatoes! Choose a dwarf variety, such as Sweet n’neat or Tiny Tim, where the plant will remain compact yet offer a bountiful harvest.

Colourful herbs!

Why settle for uniform greenery when nature offers us so many choices? Give your planter a unique decorative look by choosing colourful and textured plants such as purple basil, two-coloured sage or sweet potato.

Dare to grow edible flowers!

Adding flowers to your planter will bring more colour to your arrangement, as well as attract pollinators. But why stop at the aesthetic aspect when these flowers can also be consumed? Pick your chamomile flowers to brew your infusions, add chive blossoms to your salads to give your plate a touch of colour and add flavour, and also discover new flavourings with edible violet and nasturtium flowers!

The key to a successful miniature urban garden: good maintenance

A small planter also means small water storage for your plants. Make sure you water them as often as necessary. Once the plants are well established, it is important to water them once a day, even 2 to 3 times during a heat wave. You can also put mulch, husks or wood chips on top of the soil to help retain the moisture.

A dose of organic fertilizer can also be beneficial to stimulate the production and growth of your plants.



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