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Terms and conditions

Welcome to our website By visiting this website and / or placing an order you accept the following policies and terms and conditions:


All purchases made online at are issued in the form of a gift card, with the exception of products from the Strøm boutique and the online reservation for the thermal experience. Please present this gift card at the moment of your visit at the spa. Limited number of places for the thermal experience. It is possible to reserve your access to the thermal experience online if you have a gift card, by choosing the reserved comfort access. The reservation deposit can be credited to your bill or be refunded to you after your visit. This reservation deposit is non-refundable in case of cancellation. Clients may also come directly on site at no charge and without a reservation, depending on availability. Reservations are required for massages and treatments by contacting customer service at 1-877-761-2772. We recommend that our clients make their reservations several days in advance. As a safety measure, a credit card number is required at the time of booking. Must be 16 years or older for the thermal experience. No outside food or drinks allowed, restaurant available on site. No promotion can be applied to purchases made with a gift card. Prices subject to change without prior notice. An extra charge due to a price increase may be charged one year after the card’s issue date. The balance of the gift card can be checked with customer service or at any of our locations. Higher rates apply during high season and for some events. Monetary value is valid in all Strøm Nordic Spa. Not valid for the purchase of gift cards, memberships and for online reservation of the thermal experience. Not redeemable for cash and non-refundable. A 24-hour delay between the online purchase and the use of a service or gift card is required.


Event tickets are non refundable and non transferable. Limited number of places available, reservation required.


A 24h delay between the online purchase and use of a service or gift card is required.


When booking a massage or treatment, a credit card number is required as a safety measure. Cancelling or modifying less than 48 hours prior to the appointment will result in a 50% charge on your credit card. Cancelling or modifying less than 24 hours prior to the appointment will result in a 100% charge on your credit card. To cancel, please contact us at the following phone number: 1-877-761-2772. The online thermal experience reservation cannot be cancelled and is non-transferable and non-refundable. The reservation of a massage or treatment does not include the thermal experience. If you add the thermal experience to your massage or treatment, you have priority access.



Choose Expedited Parcel and allow for a delivery period of 3 to 5 business days depending on the destination address. A $9 charge will be added to your order. Conditions beyond our control (bad weather, strikes, customs, peak periods, etc.) may cause additional delays for which we cannot be held responsible. We cannot guarantee delivery before Christmas for any order placed after December 14. In this case, we suggest choosing Xpresspost delivery. Shipping in Canada only.

Choose Xpresspost service and take advantage of delivery within 2 to 3 business days. A $15 charge will be added to your order. Exceptions may occur during the following peak periods: Black Friday week, Cyber Monday, and Christmas. In this case, please allow for 3 to 4 business days. Shipping in Canada only.

Return Policy

We are committed to ensuring that you are completely satisfied with your online product purchases at, whether by their design, their efficiency or their quality. If this is not the case, you can return your items within 30 days of the purchase by completing the return form in order to obtain a return authorization.

When returning items, please keep these four rules in mind:

We only accept returns on products that bear their original label and that are in their original packaging. Open or partially used items or those with scratches, scrapes, odours, stains, or tears will not be accepted. Swimsuit returns will be accepted only if the hygienic protection and the price tags are still attached, and if the merchandise is unworn and unwashed. We strongly recommend you do not remove your underwear when trying on swimsuits until you are sure that the fit and style are to your liking.
Gift card sales are final and cannot be refunded.
No return will be possible without a copy of the original receipt that was sent to you by email at the time of purchase.
Shipping charges are non-refundable. By returning products, you agree to pay the shipping charges.

Please note that, if the above conditions are not met, Strøm Nordic Spa reserves the right to refuse to process the return.

Please complete the online return form before heading to the spa. No return will be possible without your return authorization number. You must have the credit card used for the initial purchase in your possession. No refunds or exchanges on swimsuit purchases made in spa.
Please complete the online return form to obtain a return authorization number. The products to be returned can be sent by mail using the Canada Post documents.
Once we have received and approved your return, a team member will contact you. The total amount paid for the item will be refunded to you, excluding discounts and shipping charges.

Customer service : 1 877 761.2772


To modify or cancel an order, please contact customer service at 1 (877) 761-2772. Please have your order number on hand.


All prices on the website are in Canadian funds, therefore you will be charged in Canadian dollars. If you are a living outside of Canada, a currency conversion to your local currency will automatically be performed by the institution that issued your credit card. Where applicable, and unless stated differently on the website, please note that the shipping costs and applicable sales taxes will be added to your bill. The prices listed on the website are subject to change without notice.


By placing an order, you agree to pay the total price of your order (price of products, services, shipping costs and applicable taxes) as indicated on the website at the time of ordering. You also agree to honor your contract with the financial institution that issued your credit card.


Strøm has a policy in terms of protection of privacy. No personal information will be disclosed to anyone except during the transaction process to obtain authorization from the credit card issuer or in cases where it is required by law.


If you wish to delete your customer account and associated personal data, please write to [email protected]. Please allow 14 days for the request to be completed. When you log in through another platform (Facebook, Google or Apple), basic information is collected in order to create your customer account (i.e. your first name, last name, address and email address). 

To disconnect my off-Facebook activity, click here.

To disconnect my off-Google activity, click here.

To disconnect my off-Apple activity, click here.


All transactions carried out on the website are performed on a secure server with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to prevent unauthorized access to data when transferring data between your computer and the server.


Our Netiquette is a guideline defining the rules of conduct, politeness and propriety that are recommended for all of our web platforms. The Strøm Netiquette is based on values of kindness such as respect for others, tolerance, openness, good manners and politeness. The values we maintain in our traditional communications apply just as much to the web universe. Thus, rude or hateful comments, racist or sexist statements as well as provocative messages, insults and obscenities will under no circumstances be tolerated on our platforms. Comments against our Netiquette will be removed and users may be blocked from our platforms.

High season dates


Easter Monday

Monday, April 10, 2023

National Patriots Day

Monday, May 22, 2023

Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Canada Day

Saturday July 1, 2023


Monday, July 24 to Monday September 4, 2023

Labor Day

Monday, September 4, 2023


Monday, October 9, 2023

Remembrance Day

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Holiday season

Friday, December 22, 2023 to Monday, January 8, 2024 

Valentine's Day

Friday, February 9 to Sunday February 11, 2024
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Friday, February 16 to Sunday, February 18, 2024 



The thermal experience may not be recommended for pregnant women or those with heart conditions, hypertension or hypotension, diabetes or respiratory illnesses.

The minimum age for the thermal experience is 16 years.

Privileges of members


15% discount on massages, treatments and essentials at regular price (for the member and their accompanying guest).
15% discount on the thermal experience for the accompanying guest (they have to be together throughout the visit).
Always has priority access on the waiting list if the spa is full.
Always valid, even during high season.


Access to the thermal experience is free depending on the initial validity of the subscription (for members only).
50% discount on the flotation bath (if applicable) for the member and their accompanying guest.
15% discount on massages, treatments and essentials at regular price (for the member and their accompanying guest).
15% discount on the thermal experience for the accompanying guest (they have to be together throughout the visit).
Always has priority access on the waiting list if the spa is full.
Always valid, even during high season.


Børn: Free (15% for the accompanying guest). Reservation strongly recommended.
Drøm and Ekko: Same privileges as during the regular evenings.
*Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
*Cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion.
*Payment by gift card (including Strøm and WaySpa gift cards) is not applicable on memberships.

Cancellation policy

At the time of booking, a credit card number is required as a safety measure. Cancelling or modifying less than 48 hours prior to the appointment will result in a 50% charge on your credit card. Cancelling or modifying less than 24 hours prior to the appointment will result in a 100% charge on your credit card. The reservation of a massage or treatment does not include the thermal experience. If you add the thermal experience to your massage or treatment, you have priority access. To cancel, please contact us at the following telephone number: 1 (877) 761-2772.

Soins Nelly De Vuyst

The high-end products Nelly De Vuyst contain natural plant substances and are formulated based on the most recent discoveries in cosmetology. Nelly De Vuyst uses a wide range of plant extracts and essential oils that are obtained from certified botanical species organically grown and carefully extracted to preserve the richness and benefits nature has to offer.


Always listening to its customers, Matis creates formulas for all skin types. These formulas are the answers to all your skin problems. Try this high quality treatment that is perfectly adapted to you. The texture and the smell will definitely seduce all your senses.

Soins Algologie

Specialized in natural skincare, Algologie has been offering a unique and exclusive method for more than 30 years. Based on mineralization, it allows re-balancing the vital functions of the body and will give you visible results. Your skin recovers its natural balance and you will be in a state of total well-being.


Conference in French only : Les habitudes à adopter pour une bonne nuit de sommeil par Daphné Génier Marchand

 Bien que nous passions beaucoup de temps de notre vie à réfléchir et à investir les différentes façons d’améliorer notre qualité de vie en repensant notre diète, notre niveau d’activité physique ou bien nos loisirs, nous négligeons souvent une sphère tout aussi importante, soit celle du sommeil. En effet, nous passons en moyenne un tiers de notre vie à dormir, d’où l’importance de s’assurer d’une bonne qualité de sommeil au quotidien. Cette conférence vise à explorer les différentes habitudes à adopter pour avoir une bonne hygiène de sommeil, à informer sur les effets du sommeil sur le cerveau, ainsi qu’à démystifier le phénomène de l’insomnie et quelques autres troubles du sommeil. Ensuite, il n’appartiendra qu’à vous de décider si vous poursuivez cette exploration par une petite sieste dans le cadre de l’expérience thermale!


Daphné Génier Marchand a récemment complété ses études doctorales en neuropsychologie à l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Elle possède une formation combinée comme clinicienne et chercheuse. Ses intérêts de recherche portent sur la cognition et le vieillissement pathologique. Sa thèse de doctorat a été complétée au Centre d'Études Avancées en Médecine du Sommeil (CÉAMS) de l'Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal, et porte sur les marqueurs cognitifs du développement d'une maladie neurodégénérative dans le trouble comportemental en sommeil paradoxal. Elle a également approfondi son expérience clinique auprès d’une clientèle présentant des troubles cognitifs au Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, puis auprès d’une clientèle ayant subi des lésions neurologiques acquises à l’Institut de réadaptation Gingras-Lindsay de Montréal (IRGLM). Depuis, elle pratique comme neuropsychologue clinicienne à l’IRGLM, où elle y cultive en parallèle son intérêt pour le sommeil.


Conference in French only: Parfaitement imparfait(e) par Claudine Blier

 Cette conférence vise à démontrer combien le perfectionnisme est intimement lié à la façon dont nous réagissons dans notre quotidien. Souvent par peur de déplaire, plusieurs s'exigent d'être parfait. Mais qu'y a-t-il derrière cette peur de déplaire? La plupart du temps, il s’agit de croyances limitantes et de d'autres peurs qui viennent se greffer les unes aux autres. Au fil du temps, nous donnons trop de pouvoir à ces peurs et croyances limitantes. C'est ce qui nous freine dans notre élan d'être nous-même et entraîne une difficulté de s'accepter avec nos forces et nos points de vulnérabilité. Cela occasionne souvent des insatisfactions personnelles et relationnelles. L’objectif de cette conférence est de transmettre des clés essentielles à la transformation de soi afin de diminuer la pression que nous mettons sur nos épaules en cherchant à atteindre la perfection à tout prix. Il devient alors possible de développer l'acceptation de soi, qui conduit éventuellement à l’amour de soi.


 Diplômée du CRAM en 2015 à titre de TRA, Thérapeute en relation d’aide (MD), Claudine poursuit assidûment son cheminement personnel afin d’offrir un accompagnement sensible à ses clients.  Elle est spécialisée en accompagnement du deuil, pertes et renoncements ainsi qu’en animation d’ateliers. De plus, elle offre des conférences portant tant sur le deuil que sur tout ce qui a trait au mieux-être. Claudine est soucieuse d’offrir une écoute attentive, une présence chaleureuse où l’accueil des différences, le respect du rythme et le non-jugement sont au cœur de ses priorités.  Elle accompagne ses clients dans leur désir de faire de leur bien-être une priorité afin qu’ils puissent retrouver une paix d’esprit et le plaisir d’exister librement pour qui ils sont. Claudine développe activement son entreprise « Regard en soi » où elle propose des consultations individuelles, des ateliers de développement personnel, des séances de yoga du rire et des conférences. Sa devise : « Se libérer le cœur pour avoir le pas plus léger ».

Cocktail Bar


Vodka or rum, cucumber-melon green tea from MysTea, lemon



Vodka, triple sec, tropical fruits herbal tea from MysTea, lime



Vodka, lychee liqueur, cranberry juice, sparkling lychee wine



Gin, tonic, lime, cucumber



Bubbly, sparkling strawberry wine


The Aufguss is one of those rituals that give you the most relaxing experience. A “sauna master” of the opgietmeester accompanies you into the sauna and pours a special mixture of water and essential oils on the hot stones, producing a cloud of steam, while the essential oils perfume the air. At the same time the “sauna master” makes circular movements with a towel to circulate the air and to remove the insulating layer of air that surrounds your body. The temperature around your body is rising and despite the sensation of heat you might end up with goose bumps on your skin. In the middle of the session, we will serve you frozen citrus fruits to cool you off. You will leave the Aufguss session in a state of relaxation that you have never experienced before. And if you have never tried an Aufguss, this is the perfect opportunity to do so!

Shinay - Tibetan Ritual

Shinay - Tibetan Ritual

Shinay, which means piece of mind, is a Tibetan Buddhist meditation aiming to quiet the mind.

During this sensory experience, while practicing the typical Tibetan breathing technique, you are invited to sit in the steam bath where the smell of essential oils as well as the sounds of meditation chants, a Tibetan bowl and Tingsha transport you towards a complete harmony between your body and your mind.

To round off your relaxation, you will have the chance to drink a tea made of Tibetan Goji berries, served by the Shiney master. Your experience will end with the application of a moisturizing oil spray. If you have never had the opportunity to try Shinay now is the perfect time!

Friday under the stars menu

The menu is a selection between three meals based
on the chef inspiration and seasonal ingredients.


“Love is the answer, what was the question?” Einstein once said. The human being is a relationship being, it is impossible for us to not be in a relationship. However, how is it that our relationships are sometimes so complicated, tortuous and painful? The unconditional love for our children is a certainty, but how come that isn’t always the case with our lifetime partner? Love is so vast and has multiple levels. I invite you to come and better understand these relationships that improve or intoxicate our daily lives, to better live with them on a daily basis.

Ariane Laberge is a professional NLP coach certified in family systems and relationship coaching. An expert in the field of systemic relationships, she quickly detects the hidden dynamics that poison our relationships. Since we are all relationship beings, whether on a personal or business level, she is the reference for managing conflict situations and restore balance and harmony. Ariane is an exceptional person! Her beautiful personality, her humor, her generosity and her many life experiences make her an inspiring woman. 


Experience two programs in one hour! The session will start with a run at your own pace, supervised by a qualified coach who will give you advice on running. The distance to our destination will be about 1.5 km. The workout will continue with Cardio-FIT, a circuit program combining cardiovascular and muscular exercises. To return to Strom Spa you can either run or walk. The workouts are for all fitness levels. Sportswear and a water bottle are required.


It is a hot steam bath which differs from the Scandinavian dry heat sauna. The steam is obtained by spraying hot water on a brick stove. The temperature can be anywhere between 65 ° C to 120 ° C, it is not advisable to stay in the banya more than 5 minutes at a time. Also it is recommended to put a beanie, preferably made of felt, to protect the head from the intense heat. According to tradition people hit themselves vigorously with bunches of dried branches and leaves from birch, oak or eucalyptus. These branches form a "broom" called venik and they are moistened with water before they are used. The purpose is to cleanse and soften the skin, to activate the sweating and the blood circulation all while releasing a pleasant fragrance. Once this "massage" is finished, it is customary to dip in a cold water pool, a lake, a river or to roll in the snow in winter time. Usually this ritual is repeated two to three times before enjoying some tea and sweet treats in the relaxation room. In general, the Russians stay at a banya for at least two hours (alternating with cold shower breaks of course) to take advantage of the effects of the hot steam.

Premium thermal experience

Signature Strøm juice freshly made
One item of your choice among selected Strøm products*
Reusable Strøm sandal bag
Beverage of your choice at the Nord restaurant**
Bathrobe exchangeable once
Towels and Locker
(Value of $69)

*The item selection is subject to change according to availability and without prior notice. **According to actual regulation, you have to eat a complete meal at the restaurant if you wish to have an alcoholic drink. This restriction does not apply for non-alcoholic beverages.

Delivery and Returns Policy

Thermal experience

Outdoor whirlpools, thermal and Nordic baths, Finnish saunas, eucalyptus steam bath, thermal and Nordic waterfalls, indoor and outdoor relaxation areas with fireplaces.

*The rental of a bathrobe, a towel and a locker is included in the entry price.

Laga flotation bath

Tax Infos

Gift cards (services and packages)

The equivalent of the applicable taxes will be added to the value of the selected service or package so that the recipient of the gift card does not have to pay them when visiting Strøm Nordic Spa.

Gift cards

There is no tax on gift cards with a monetary value.

Retail products

Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Quebec Sales Tax (QST) will be collected at the applicable rates.

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